Elect Mitt Romney in 2008

Governor Mitt Romney is the person to lead the Republican Party to victory in 2008. This blog is dedicated to making it happen.

Location: Florida, United States

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Time for the GOP to move beyond President Bush

That's the basic message of this post. Personally, I jumped ship during the Harriet Miers debacle. I'm still a supporter of the president, but I can't say that it with anything approaching the same zeal as I could back then. I will also be voting in the fall. God help me I'll even hold my nose and vote for Katherine Harris as the next senator from Florida.

I like to think of myself as a positive person though. I don't just run away when I feel disillusioned. I look for the next cause, the next battle to be fought. That's a large part of the reason I've decided to move forward and begin looking for a suitable successor.

If you feel discouraged as well, remember, we're conservatives. Faith in a better tomorrow is one of our most attractive features.


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